
Category: Accessories

灵感来源于宋代五大名窑之一——汝窑。“雨过天晴云破出处,者般颜色做将来”。根据其“青如天”“面如玉”来确定设计的颜色搭配以及材质选取。整体采用意大利平纹绵羊皮制作。淡黄色提手自包身向上延展一体式连接,前后面形成瓷器瓶颈曲线,包身前后大面转折与侧面连接,形成与提手相呼应的曲线,充分展现汝窑温润的特点。提取汝窑器型的线条形态设计一款具有中式风尚的、日常实用的时尚轻奢包。 The inspiration comes from one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty - the Ru kiln. After the rain, the sky will clear and the clouds will break through, like the colors of the future. Determine the color matching and material selection of the design based on its "blue like sky" and "jade like surface". The whole is made of Italian plain sheepskin. The light yellow handle extends upwards from the body of the package and is connected in an integrated manner, forming a porcelain bottleneck curve on the front and rear surfaces. The large front and rear surfaces of the package are connected to the side, forming a curve that corresponds to the handle, fully showcasing the warm and moist characteristics of the Ru kiln. Design a fashionable and practical light luxury bag with Chinese style and daily practicality by extracting the line shape of the Ru kiln vessel.