幾何負載 Geometric Load

Category: Accessories

這個背包的設計靈感來自於幾何,我利用現有的立體結構,構思了這個背包。一開始是從盾片狀這種生物帶有的特殊幾何作為靈感進行構思,而後通過龜殼與水晶的融入,基底才轉而選用自正五角塔帳的形狀和規則,並透過精心計算和設計,確保了背包的真實性與立體感。 這個背包的美學價值在於它的銳利的稜線和角度,以及細緻的立體結構。整個設計從底部開始,從多個正多邊形出發,不斷地重複和堆疊,最終形成一個具有強烈立體感的作品。設計的每個細節都經過仔細的考慮,像是只使用口袋設計,以維持立體結構本身的一致性。 因為整體相對偏扁平,故內部空間我採用了類似公事包的分層設計,在不縮減使用功能的情況下也讓使用者能夠更加方便地收納和取出物品。 The design of this backpack is inspired by geometry. I used the existing three-dimensional structure to conceive this backpack. At the beginning, it was conceived from the special geometry of the scutellum-like creature as inspiration, and then through the integration of turtle shells and crystals, the base turned to the shape and rules of the self-correcting pentagonal tent, and through careful calculation and design , ensuring the authenticity and three-dimensionality of the backpack. The aesthetic value of this backpack lies in its sharp ridges and angles, as well as its detailed three-dimensional structure. The entire design starts from the bottom, starts from multiple regular polygons, repeats and stacks them continuously, and finally forms a work with a strong three-dimensional effect. Every detail of the design has been carefully considered, such as only using the pocket design, to maintain the consistency of the three-dimensional structure itself. Because the overall is relatively flat, I adopted a layered design similar to a briefcase in the interior space, which allows users to store and take out items more conveniently without reducing the use functions.