癒翔 Healing
Category: Accessories
癒翔:雖然失去了一部分,透過自我療癒,渴望再次的飛翔。 是否有獨自飛翔的能力? 雖然失去翅膀的一部分,那種絕望、疼痛,獨自一個人自我懷疑、憤怒,都是屬於我的一部分,黑暗雖然佔了很大一部分,但內心渴望再次飛翔,比失去的痛更加的強烈! 提把使用壓克力這個材質來呈現,象徵無法預測的未來,蝴蝶是使用黑色皮革,剩下的翅膀依舊完整,有多少夜都是自己一個人在面對,那種說不出的恐懼,失去的翅膀是用紅色皮革,失去與疼痛都是無法量化,同時也會有憤怒的感覺,但憤怒也會帶給生命新的能量、推力。黑夜中看見火苗那種溫暖的感覺! Healing: Although I have lost a part, I am eager to fly again through self-healing. Does it have the ability to fly alone? Although I lost a part of my wings, the despair, the pain, the self-doubt, the anger of being alone, are all part of me, although the darkness occupies a large part, but the desire to fly again is stronger than the pain of loss!