Dune space divine officials
Category: Apparel
灵感来源于废土,废土是一种世界背景,它是指人类在经历某一场浩劫之后,地球上的文明被毁灭了。湿天黄沙的天气、一望无际的荒漠、色调硫沉却破败的服装,所有的一切都是因为人类对于自然的破坏而导致的末日环境。高度发达的科技于破败荒凉的环境相碰撞所产生奇妙的化学反应,如果说Y2K是人们对未来世界的美好期待,那废土风格恰恰相反,是末日下一种反乌托邦的风格。Inspiration source: Inspiration comes from waste soil which is a kind of world background. it refers to the destruction of civil beings experience a catastrophe. Yellow sand weather, endless desert, dark but shabby clothing, all of which are the doomsday environment cause destruction of nature. The highly developed science and technology collide with the dispidated and desolate environment to produce a wonderful e reaction, if V2K is people's good expectation for the future world, the waste soil style is just the opposite. It is an anti Utopian style in the end