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尼采的“永恒反复“学说中提出:指一种假定宇宙会不断以完全相同的形式循环的观念,且这种循环的次数不可理解,也无法预测。我们是否生活在一个被某些未知事物控制的世界里?在无限的循环中,我们存在。我是我,你是我,他也是我,所有的压抑、痛苦、扭曲、绝望通过视党画面扑面而来,浓缩成一个现代社会痛苦的世界。我们尝试在轮回中,选择是快乐或痛苦,选择是生存或死亡。多少人每一个内心深处的你我,在高压之下不断前行,寻找迷失的自己。 “寻”的主题意在表达一种哲学态度,融合无限流、虚空、朋克、复古未来主义等元素,呈现出焕然一新的风格。 Nietzsche's theory of "eternal repetition" refers to the idea that the universe will continue to cycle in exactly the same form, and that the number of such cycles is incomprehensible and unpredictable. Are we living in a world controlled by something unknown? In the infinite cycle, we exist, I am me, you are me, he is me, all the repression, pain, distortion, despair through the visual picture of the face, condensed into a modern society of pain world. We try to break the cycle, not be controlled by reincarnation, the choice is happiness or pain, the choice is life or death. How many people, every inner you and I, keep moving forward under high pressure, looking for lost themselves.The theme of "Seeking" is intended to express a philosophical attitude, combining elements such as infinite flow, void, and retro futurism to present a new style.