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Costume Design BFA

Womenswear, Bags, Childrenswear

我是周容嫺,目前就讀台北市實踐大學服裝設計學系大二,今年20歲,我喜歡服裝設計,希望可以透過作品傳達出自己的心情。 My name is JUNG-HSIEN CHOU. I am currently a sophomore in the Fashion Design Department of Shih Chien University in Taipei. I am 20 years old. I like fashion design and hope to express my feelings through my works.

Confession of love

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

喜歡你的心情想要好好地傳達給你,但卻難以開口,只要一想到你嘴角就會微微上揚,好想就這樣說出我喜歡你,向你走近時候,心臟就越是一上一下的瘋狂跳動著,這種心動的感覺,我好想告訴你。 The feeling of liking you wants to be conveyed to you well, but it is difficult to open the mouth. As long as I think of you, the corners of my mouth will rise slightly. I really want to say that I like you like this. When I get closer to you, my heart will rise and fall. I really want to tell you about this heart-beating feeling.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.