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Liis Tisler

Estonian Academy of Arts

Accessory Design MA

Accessories, Bags

Liis Tisler (1993) is an Estonian accessory designer. She has studied Leather Design in Pallas University of Applied Sciences and has graduated Accessory Design MA in Estonian Academy of Arts. In her professional practice, she focuses on the modular accessory. She thinks that modularity makes the product more versatile, exciting, playful and extends the life of the product. She strives to create accessories that are practical, innovative, and engaging for the users. Her designs are inspired by Nordic architecture and interior design. She uses leather as her main material for its sustainability, durability and flexibility allowing to create variety of designs and styles.


Emotionally Durable Accessory Based on Modularity

Category: Accessories

Competitions: International

Emotionally Durable Accessory Based on Modularity is my MA project. My research question was: How can playfulness offered by modularity make an accessory emotionally durable and thus more environmentally sustainable? There is a huge problem of fashion waste and people tend to easily abandon their belongings. It is caused by a lack of emotional connection. I believe that incorporating playful elements into a design is a powerful way to create a deeper connection between the product and its user, which ultimately contributes to the extension of the product lifespan. Play is a way to create a dialogue with an object. While researching the connections between the modular accessory and play, many commonalities can be found. A playful accessory involves the user in the design process, which increases interactivity with the product. By offering the user an opportunity to play with the accessory I create space for an emotional connection and new meanings to emerge. By making my products modular, I offer user the opportunity to customize and adapt their accessories to their specific needs and preferences. This allows the user to engage with the product on a deeper level and form a more meaningful relationship with it. Additionally, modular design provides a unique and interesting visual appeal.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.