Collection : Agony
Category: Apparel
The pandemic's impact - the agony faced by those who are perceived differently depending on our standing as people and members of society forced us to change ourselves almost entirely. The well- off side of humanity who could have strived in this situation with the possession of their assets, who could have taken this lifestyle change as a pro, did not take it as imagined. The pandemic bought all of us together, those of different colours and statuses to help fight the inevitable spread of disease. But teamwork can’t undo death at the end of the day. It brought us closer, only to grieve the losses of our beloved loved ones. It was the agony that brought us together, but also the reason that we detached from reality, forced to face our true selves and fears, throwing us into voids of numbness and ultimately, shattering our souls into the grey zones. Us moving away mentally caused many of us to choose to move away physically as well. We connected more with nature inspiring this story which explores these new nomadic lifestyles, via solution-driven, versatile items using extreme tactility silhouettes in a monotone colour scheme. INSPIRATION: Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense RNA genome. They cause diseases in birds and mammals, including humans, that can be mild or fatal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold. More lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. The name "coronavirus" comes from the Latin word corona, meaning "crown" or "halo".
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