Holding On

Category: Accessories

驟雨狂風帶來一片混亂,即便如此,社畜們別無選擇,還是穿上西裝、繫上領帶,挺著風雨去上班。狂風暴雨讓每個人都狼狽不堪,大家撐著一走出門就被吹壞的傘,死命抱著待會開會的資料,每個人都是這樣硬撐著走來的。 People on the street went to work and class despite the wind and rain in a stormy day. Office workers in neat suits and students in tidy uniform have become a mess under this storm. As soon as everyone went out,they struggled to hold their broken umbrellas and clung to the materials for the upcoming meeting. Everyone is holding out in difficult circumstances .

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