Antebellum south- years later the recism is still here

Category: Design

Hi my name is Meital Liza lehrer, I am an Israeli American, originally from Kibbutz Ketura in the south of Israel. For my project I chose as my inspiration the history of the Antebellum South period and how this period is still influential and relevant today. In the history of the Southern United States, the Antebellum Period spanned the end of the War of 1812 to the start of the American Civil War in 1861. The Antebellum South was characterized by the use of slavery and the culture it fostered. In my research I was surprised to learn that in many places in the south of the United stats this period is remembered as the “golden era” of the south and is celebrated stilll today. We can see how the Antabellum slavery still affects us today and how racism Tords the black community is still a huge issue. I studied cases of rasicim in the past few years and took inspiration for my collection from American football and the story of the Afro American football player and civil rights activist, Colin kaepernick. I combined elements from American clothing in the Antabellum era and sewed different types of quilting from leather as well as it was a popular activity among the slaves in that era and even granted some of the people there Freedom..

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