Category: Accessories
在寄生蟲與昆蟲關係中,我發現了另一種身體與自我的控制。這個作品是我對於寄生的探索,通過兩者呈現人們對身體、自我與外部影響之間的關係進行思考。在設計中採用昆蟲背部的廓形作為後背包的主視覺,透過後背包緊貼後背反映出寄生與人體的關係,在顏色上我使用黑色來呈現寄生狀態。想讓看到這件作品的人都能思考自身的意識和自我的邊界究竟在哪裡?"In the relationship between parasites and insects, I discovered another form of control over the body and self. This artwork is my exploration of parasitism, using both to reflect on the relationship between individuals and external influences on the body and self. In the design, I utilized the silhouette of an insect's back as the main visual for a backpack. Through the backpack snugly fitting against the wearer's back, I aimed to mirror the relationship between parasitism and the human body. I used black color to represent the parasitic state. I want viewers of this piece to contemplate where their consciousness and the boundaries of the self truly lie."